Election Results
Congratulations to the new officers and directors of the Metagenes Alumni Association for 2007-2008. Some of the races were very close, including a 3-way tie for the final director slot that expanded the board.
President: Michelle Ringley
Secretary: Brian Earle
Treasurer: Kim Clark
Directors at Large:
• Michele LeTourneur
• Ray Consoli
• Matt Williams
• Jeff Kendrick
• Kristen Ruch
• Kent McCullough
Many of these names belong to our newest alumni. Welcome aboard!
Founders' Day 2007
I just want to say how deeply moved I am to receive the Dwight Palmer “Pop” Ely Award. For those of you who didn’t get to see the original sculpture, the award was beautifully designed and fabricated in concrete by our very talented actives. I hesitate to mention names for fear of leaving someone out, but I hope someone will post the name(s) of the responsible brother(s) for this award so they will receive the credit they deserve. The “Pop” Ely Award is proudly displayed in my dining room.
Saturday was filled with emotion and I was very blessed to spend it with many of my brothers. It was gratifying that our first Founders’ Day celebration in more than a dozen years was so well attended. It really helps that we have over 30 actives, but it was good to see all the alumni there, too. I’m now looking forward to our summer gathering.
The entire Metagenes family would have been proud that our fraternity, as a group, honored the victims of 4.16.07 in a very dignified and touching way. Thank you, Brother Consoli, for coordinating our tribute. The plaque we presented at the altar in the War Memorial Chapel will forever remain part of the archives of Virginia Tech.
Thank you again, actives and alumni, for making Founders’ Day 2007 very special for this alum. I will never forget this honor, and will be forever proud to wear the badge of the Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity.
In Brotherhood,
Pledge Class Gamma Gamma
Gammas Squared. We’re proud of the members of the Gamma Gamma pledge class.