September Board Meeting. Board members from left to right: Brian Earle, Director; Carlyn Luu, Director; Michele LeTourneur, Director; Chris Jones, Director; and Phil Buckburg, President
Brothers, I am happy to report that we have completed the orderly transition of leadership from the incomparable Michele LeTourneur to me, Phil Buckberg. This is my second time as president of the Metagenes Alumni Association. The first time was many years ago, pre-internet, when our means of communication were phone calls and newsletters. This time, I am taking over one of APX’s most active and organized AA’s, with the intention of building on our successes and becoming an even better organization.
First things first: many, many thanks to Michele for her leadership as president these past 15 years as our president. More than just the person in the position, Michele has done the work, made the calls, drove the miles, fed the masses, filed the forms, etc., etc., etc. She would be a tougher act to follow if she didn’t also have all the notes, papers, and forms ready for me , so we can continue in the right direction. So, again I say, thanks, Michele!
Thanks as well to outgoing board members Hunter Bristow, Gary Zickafoose, Rick Jenkins, and Michelle Ringley Campbell. Thanks much to those who are staying on: Brian Earle, Mary Deverter, and Michele LeTourner. And welcome to new board members Carlyn Luu, Chris Jones, and Jennifer Burchard.
These next few years have the potential to be rewarding times for Alpha Rho Chi alumni. I’ve been involved in some alumni development work recently, with one goal (among many) of making APX a more relevant organization for all brothers, not just active students and handfuls of alumni. Think “What can APX do for you?” because you may well be asked that question sometime soon!
Thanks again – more to come.
Phil Buckberg