The Metagenes Alumni Association is pleased to announce that Spencer Silverman is this year’s winner of the $500 Kim Clark Scholarship. Selected on the basis of recommendations received from fellow collegiate members of Metagenes Chapter, Spencer has distinguished himself with his efforts as the chapter’s Philanthropy chair.
Chiravi Patel – 2021 Kim Clark Scholar
The Metagenes Alumni Association is pleased to announce that Chiravi Patel is the recipient of this year’s Kim Clark Scholarship, valued at $500.know the risks
The scholarship committee based her selection as Kim Clark Scholar primarily on the recommendations shared by members of the active chapter. Those recommendations noted how Chiravi is “one of the busiest people I know, but always willing to drop everything to help other brothers.” Someone that members of the chapter “can undoubtedly always count on,” many of her contributions to keeping the chapter running were made anonymously behind the scenes. Since she would “never boast or brag about all she has accomplished,” multiple members were worried that her hard work and acts of kindness had gone unnoticed.
“Chiravi’s devolution, commitment, and love to the Metagenes Chapter is exhibited on a daily basis. She is the one that helps you feed paper into the printer in the wee hours of the night for your pinup the next day; she is the one to volunteer to cut the bid cubes when no one else will; she is the brother that will bake you cookies when she catches wind that you have had a terrible day; she is the one that holds your hand and consoles you after a rough pinup; she is the person in studio that is the most generous with her time when she has absolutely no time to give.”
The Kim Clark Scholarship is awarded each year to a collegiate member of Metagenes Chapter in recognition of dedication and service to the chapter and that brother’s character as a student and as a member of Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity. Brother Patel is the tenth Kim Clark Scholar since 2012 and exemplifies the tradition set by Brother Clark.
Megan Kelly – 2020 Kim Clark Scholar
The Metagenes Alumni Association is pleased to announce that Megan Kelly is the recipient of this year’s Kim Clark Scholarship, valued at $500.
The Kim Clark Scholarship is awarded each year to a collegiate member of Metagenes Chapter in recognition of dedication and service to the chapter and that brother’s character as a student and as a member of Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity.
The scholarship committee based the selection of Kim Clark Scholar primarily on the recommendations shared by members of the active chapter. Those recommendations noted not only the offices she has held within the chapter – including Worthy Associate Architect – but how she “went above and beyond” on behalf of Alpha Rho Chi. That was expressed in her mentoring of younger members of the chapter to representing Metagenes within the national fraternity. As one recommendation noted, “She truly loves her chapter and this fraternity and is willing to help any brother with absolutely anything, from taking younger brothers under her wing to being a convention attendee for 3 years in a row and counting.”
Brother Kelly is the ninth Kim Clark Scholar since 2012 and exemplifes the tradition set by Brother Clark.
Past Kim Clark Scholars
2012 Melissa Nock
2013 Nathan Strother
2014 Rebecca Carle
2015 Lauren Hughes
2016 Allison Baker
2017 Melissa Boudreau
2018 Gates Breeden
2019 Emilie Gick
2020 Megan Kelly

From April 7th-14th, Metagenes participated in Habitat for Humanity’s fundraiser, Shack-A-Thon for the first time. The rules for the event include the build of a 8’x8’x8′ shack and at least one person from the organization be in the shack at all times, including over night! We had a very successful showing for our first time, winning:
Best Built: First Place
Best Design: Third Place
Overall: Fifth Place
Metagenes 50th Anniversary

On March 23rd, 2019 our Chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary! The weekend of April 5th-7th, Alumni came back to Blacksburg to celebrate with the Collegiate Brothers, with a banquet, hike and brunch.
APX Goes Climbing
Come join your Brothers for a morning of rock climbing followed by lunch/drinks. We’ve booked a space at Earth Treks climbing gym in Crystal City (Northern Virginia) from 10-12 am on Sunday February 18th. Cost is $25 per person and includes all the necessary equipment as well as instruction.
It’s an indoor facility so there’s no need to worry about the weather. The space accommodates climbers of all levels and instructors will be on hand to help, so don’t worry if you’ve never been climbing… before. It’s safe, it’s easy, and it’s fun.
Afterwards we’ll be heading down the street to Highline RxR for lunch. Even if you can’t join us for climbing, you can meet as there at 12:30 for some food and your beverage of choice.
Space is limited, and is first come first serve, so don’t wait to sign up. Your space is not reserved until you’ve sent your $25. Please follow the link below to RSVP
Proposed New Bylaws
The Metagenes Alumni Association’s current governing documents were adopted in February 2001 with the title “Provisional Bylaws.” Returning to that unfinished work, the association’s board has drafted new bylaws that are simpler and more regular. These new proposed bylaws for the Metagenes Alumni Association are submitted for ratification by a general meeting of the association membership to be held in February 2018.
Proposed Bylaws of the Metagenes Alumni Association
Changes from the previous bylaws include:
- Requiring an annual meeting of the association’s membership
- Terms for officers and directors-at-large are two years.
- Elections for President, Secretary on even years and for Treasurer on odd years. Director-at-large terms would be staggered as well.
The board welcomes your comments on these proposed bylaws. Amendments to the proposed bylaws may also be submitted for consideration prior to the vote for ratification.
Looking to attract new employers? Perhaps, it’s time to write up a new resume. You can click here to start building your resume.
February 2016 Resume Workshop
This past Saturday, February 6 2016, the Metagenes Alumni Association held the second annual Resume Workshop for active brothers. We reviewed resumes, provided edits and suggestions, and helped brothers prepare for life outside Cowgill. Special thanks to Chris Jones for conceiving of and organizing the workshop, and to Michele LeTourneur, Hunter Bristow, and Phil Buckberg for conducting reviews. Thanks also to the chapter for securing Cowgill 300 and for arriving with some very impressive resumes as well as with coffee and donuts!
Metagenes Meet-up at the APX 2016 Convention in Charlotte, NC?
The 2016 Alpha Rho Chi Convention is meeting in Charlotte, NC, as close to Blacksburg as the Convention has ever come. Who’s up for a Metagenation meet-up? Click here to visit the APX website convention page and find out more about registration, accommodations, and the agenda. You can spend the weekend without being a registered attendee, or you can visit for a day and hang out with brothers. Email me if you’re interested, and we’ll start to put a plan together: – Phil
Alumni Update and Dues Notice
Here’s the text of the Metagenes Alumni Update and Dues Notice that went out this weekend:
Dear Metagenes Alumni Brothers,
Greetings from the Metagenes Alumni Association! On behalf of the Executive Board, I am writing to tell you that we miss you, and to let you know about the many things we’re working on to improve our alumni association, our chapter, and Alpha Rho Chi. When you read about all of the progress and the happenings, I hope you will be inspired and motivated to support our brothers with an annual dues payment and a visit to the chapter or an alumni event.
Check out the Metagenes Alumni Association page on Facebook, and at, to keep up with news, schedules, and other information.
Dues and Donations
It’s been a while since we collected dues or asked for donations, but we need your help now for ongoing and upcoming expenses:
- APX Annual Convention delegate registration fee
- Metagenes Alumni Association annual fee for our registered agent
- Metagenes Alumni Association annual dues to the Grand Council
- One-time IRS fee to reinstate our tax-exempt status
- Occasional support for the chapter (initiation expenses, etc.)
APX is looking for ways to engage alumni across the nation, and alumni associations will be a big part of that. We have a lot of new chapters who want to create their own alumni associations, and a lot of new alumni looking for ways to connect. Metagenes can be at the front of that movement, providing connections, best practices and other wisdom to help new alumni and new alumni organizations get going. That can lead to networking and other professional opportunities as well as to social events and possibilities.
Locally, we still have the same priorities we’ve always had:
- Keep in touch with each other
- Keep the chapter strong
- Please pay your 2016 Annual Dues of $40 by visiting our website at and clicking “Metagenes Alumni Dues” (or you can go directly to
- Join the Metagenes Alumni Association page on Facebook.
- Send us your email address so we can keep you up to date if you’re not on Facebook.
- Come to an event!
- Let us know how brothers can help brothers!
Fidelitas, Amor, et Artes,
Phil Buckberg
President, Metagenes Alumni Association